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Products / Geological Mapping

Geological Mapping

British Geological Survey (BGS) is a data-rich organisation with over 400 datasets in its care including: environmental monitoring data, physical collections (borehole core, rocks, minerals and fossils), records and archives. A few of the more popular datasets are available on the Bluesky Mapshop.

Products available:


Detailed digital geological map data based on BGS's National Grid and County series 1:10 000 and 1:10 560 scale (six-inch to one-mile) maps with updated nomenclature.

This layer contains:

  • Bedrock geology
  • Superficial deposits
  • Mass movement
  • Artificial ground
  • Linear features



The BGS Geology 50k V8 dataset is BGS’s primary national geological reference dataset. Providing a digital representation of GB geology on a scale of 1:50 000.

This layer contains:

  • Bedrock (e.g. rocks and deposits laid down prior to 2.588 million years ago- including the Crag Group)
  • Superficial (e.g. deposits laid down during the Quaternary Period)
  • Mass Movement (e.g. areas of landslide)
  • Artificial (e.g. areas of artificially modified ground)
  • Linear features (e.g faults)



The GeoSure GB data sets reports from the British Geological Survey, providing information about potential ground movement or subsidence. GeoSure Basic is a single, combined GeoSure model, containing only the highest score of all the GeoSure layers. The model has been re-classified to negligible - very low, low and moderate - high.

We currently sell all 6 themes within this layer:

  • Collapsible Deposits
  • Compressible Ground
  • Landslides
  • Running Sands
  • Shrink Swell
  • Soluble Rocks


Susceptibility to Groundwater Flooding

BGS has produced the first national dataset on the susceptibility of groundwater flooding, covering England, Wales and Scotland.

The dataset has three classes of groundwater flood susceptibility:

  • A: Limited potential for groundwater flooding to occur
  • B: Potential for groundwater flooding of property situated below ground level
  • C: Potential for groundwater flooding to occur at surface

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no flood data was available. 

Aquifer Designation Data

The aquifer designation dataset has been created by the Environment Agency and British Geological Survey and identifies the different aquifers of England and Wales.

From 1 April 2010 the Environment Agency's Groundwater Protection Policy will be using aquifer designations that are consistent with the Water Framework Directive.

These designations reflect the importance of aquifers in terms of groundwater as a resource (drinking water supply) but also their role in supporting surface water flows and wetland ecosystems.

The maps are split into two different type of aquifer designation:

  • Superficial (drift) — permeable unconsolidated (loose) deposits. For example, sands and gravels
  • Bedrock — solid permeable formations e.g. sandstone, chalk and limestone

The maps display the following aquifer designations:

  • Principal aquifers
  • Secondary aquifers (further subdivided into Secondary A, Secondary B, and Secondary Undifferentiated)
  • Unproductive strata


Geological Indicators of Flooding

Geological maps show where all the floodplains and coastal plains in Britain are located and therefore the main areas at greatest risk of flooding; from this information BGS has produced the Geological indicators of flooding dataset. The map is based on observation of the types of geological deposit present and does not take into account any man-made influences such as house building or flood protection schemes. 

The two types of flooding, fluvial and coastal, are each separated into two zones as below:

  • Fluvial: Zone 1 (Lower susceptibility) Zone 2 (Higher susceptibility)
  • Coastal: Zone 1 (Lower susceptibility) Zone 2 (Higher susceptibility)

NOTE - The BGS Geological indicators of flooding data should be regarded as complementary to, and not a replacement for, existing flood risk maps.

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no flood data was available. 

Infiltration SuDS Map

This dataset is suitable for those involved in the planning and design of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) - rainage systems that allow surface water to infiltrate to the ground, such as soakaways, infiltration basins, infiltration trenches and permeable pavements - for those who approve SuDS planning applications within local authorities.


The data in this layer is divided into four categories:

  • Drainage (the drainage potential of the ground)
  • Ground Stability (the potential for ground instability when water is infiltrated)
  • Groundwater Protection (the protection of groundwater quality)
  • the presence of severe constraints that must be considered prior to planning infiltration)

Permeability Data

Permeability data is often used in studies of groundwater and in particular during investigations of pollution or aquifer contamination.

Scale: 1:50,000

Formats: ESRI shp, tab

WellMaster Hydrogeological Database

The WellMaster database holds hydrogeological information on water wells for wells and boreholes identified within the Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) within GB. Index level data is available for all water boreholes known to the BGS. 

This database contains index details supplementary to SOB, divided into four main categories;

  • Lithostratigraphic details
  • Well/borehole construction (inc casing and screens)
  • Water information (inc depths and pumping rates)
  • Water quality information

BGS Geology 625k

Generalised digital geological map data based on BGS's (British Geological Society) published poster maps of the UK (North and South). Bedrock related themes created by generalisation of 1:50 000 data to make the 2007 fifth edition Bedrock Geology map.

Superficial related themes digitised from 1977 first edition Quaternary map (North and South).


  • Bedrock
  • Dykes
  • Fault
  • Superficial