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Products / Free Data

Free Data

Products available:

GB - 1:650k BGS Data

Generalised digital geological map data based on BGS's (British Geological Society) published poster maps of the UK (North and South). Bedrock related themes created by generalisation of 1:50 000 data to make the 2007 fifth edition Bedrock Geology map.

Superficial related themes digitised from 1977 first edition Quaternary map (North and South).

This dataset contains:

  • Bedrock
  • Dykes
  • Fault
  • Superficial

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no 1:650k data was available. 

GB - CORINE Land Cover (CLC)

CLC was commissioned by the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the 1980’s to standardise data collection on land in Europe, in order to support environmental policy development. CLC provides information on biophysical characteristics of the Earth’s surface, grouped into 44 classes.

The imagery available through Bluesky, is CLC2018 referring to land cover / land use status of year 2018 for GB only.

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no corine data was available. 

GB - Heritage

Collection of Open Source Data gathered from Historic England, Historic Environment Scotland and Historic Wales. 

This collection includes:

  • Battlefield
  • Listed Buildings
  • Protected Wrecks
  • Registered Parks & Gardens
  • World Heritage Sites

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no heritage data was available. 

GB - WellMaster Hydrogeological Database

The WellMaster database holds hydrogeological information on water wells for wells and boreholes identified within the Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) within GB. Index level data is available for all water boreholes known to the BGS. 

This database contains index details supplementary to SOB, divided into four main categories;

  • Lithostratigraphic details
  • Well/borehole construction (inc casing and screens)
  • Water information (inc depths and pumping rates)
  • Water quality information

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no wellmaster data was available. 

GB - Marine

A collection of Datasets provided by Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage and Natural Resource Wales. This layer is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • Heritage Coast (England)
  • Marine Article 17: Habitats (Wales)
  • Marine Consultation Areas (Scotland)
  • Marine Conservation Zones (GB)

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no marine data was available. 

GB - Meridian Data

Meridium Datais a district based geometrically structured vector database constructed from a variety of Ordnance Survey data sets that define the real world geographic entities (objects) as point and line features. Each feature consists of geometric and attribute data.

This dataset contains:

  • Administrative Areas (county region; district region; DLUA region)
  • Cartographic names
  • Hydrology (coast; lake region; river)
  • Settlements
  • Roads (a-roads; b-roads; minor roads; motorways; roundabouts; junctions)
  • Railways (station; rail)
  • Woodland area extents

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no meridian data was available. 

GB - ONS Output Areas

Set of geographical areas associated with UK census data from 2011. Including Output areas, Middle output areas and Super output areas.

This layer contains:

  • Lower Output Areas
  • Middle Output Areas
  • Output Areas

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no ONS data was available. 

GB - Paths and Parks

A collection of Datasets provided by Natural England, Natural Resource Wales, and Scottish National Heritage. This layer is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
  • Country Parks
  • Landscape Character Assesment (Scotland only)
  • National Character Areas
  • National Parks
  • National Trails
  • Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) (Scotland only)
  • Woodpasture and Parkland England

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no path & park data was available. 

England and Wales - Flood Map

A collection of flood datasets provided by the Environment Agency, and Natural Resource Wales. This layer has correctly geospatial areas, divided into different three groups.

This layer contains:

  • Flood Alert
  • Flood Risk Areas
  • Flood Warning

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no flood data was available. 

England - Farming

A collection of Datasets provided by Natural England, divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • Agricultural Land Classification
  • Countryside stewardship Woodland
  • Land Management Initatives
  • Organic Farming Schemes

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no farming data was available. 

England - Habitats


A collection of Datasets provided by Natural England, under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 (CRoW). CRoW demonstrates the registered common land (open access land), or public right of access to land (open country), which is divided into mountains, moorland, heath and down.

This layer is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • CRoW Act 2000 - Access Layer
  • CRoW Act 2000 - Section 15 Land
  • CRoW Act 2000 - Section 16 Dedicated Land

Habitat Networks (Combined Habitats):

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of Habitat Networks for 18 priority habitats based primarily, but not exclusively, on the priority habitat inventory (PHI v2.1) with additional data added in relation to habitat creation and potential areas for restoration.

This layer contains:

  • National Habitat Network

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no habitats data was available. 

England - Priority Habitats

This is a spatial dataset that describes the geographic extent and location of Habitat Networks for 18 priority habitats based primarily, but not exclusively, on the priority habitat inventory (PHI v2.1) with additional data added in relation to habitat creation and potential areas for restoration. The maps are created following a standardised process that incorporates a range of data layers and identifies specific locations for a range of actions to help improve the ecological resilience for each of the habitats/habitat networks. This is the combined habitat network map. 

The network of habitat layer includes:

  • Agricultural Land Classification
  • Upland calcareous grassland (UCG)
  • Lowland calcareous grassland (LCG)
  • Reedbeds (RBD)
  • Lowland meadows (LMW)
  • Upland hay meadows (UHM)
  • Purple moor grass and rush pasture (PMG)
  • Lowland dry acid grassland (LAG)
  • Lowland heathland (LHL)
  • Upland heathland (UHL)
  • Upland fens and flushes (UFS)
  • Lowland fens (LFN)
  • Lowland raised bog (LRB)
  • Blanket bog (BBG)
  • Limestone pavements (LSP)
  • Coastal sand dunes (CSD)
  • Coastal vegetated shingle (CVS)
  • Maritime cliff and slope (MCS)
  • Saltmarsh (CSM)

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no priority habitats data was available. 

England - Reserves

A collection of Datasets provided by Natural England. This is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • Ancient Woodland
  • Biosphere Reserves
  • Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  • Limestone Pavement
  • National Nature Reserves (NNR)
  • Nature Improvement Areas
  • Special Protection Areas (SPA)
  • Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no reserves data was available. 

Wales - Habitats

LandMap - the Welsh landscape baseline:

This national landscape resource covers all landscapes, designated and non-designated, it covers natural, rural, periurban and urban areas, (excluding the Cities of Cardiff and Swansea) and it includes inland waters and coastal areas to the low water mark

This layer is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • LANDMAP Cultural Landscape
  • LANDMAP Historic Landscape
  • LANDMAP Landscape Habitats

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no habitats data was available. 

Wales - Priority Habitats

This dataset is for Wales Habitat Networks - an account of the work on priority network in Wales, providing a basis for mapping connectivity. The output of the model is a series of mapping layers, known as core, focal and local networks.

Layers are divided into upland and lowland regions. The network maps may be used as the basis for Priority Mapping to help, through the usage of priority mapping levels.

Level 1 – Maps of the whole habitat resource. This layer contains:

  • Lowland: Bog; Fen; Grass; Heath; Wood
  • Upland: Bog; Fen; Grass; Heath

Level 2 – Maps of key networks that contain the most significant examples of habitat. This layer contains:

  • Lowland: Grassland network; Heath network
  • Upland: Heath network
  • Woodland network

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no priority habitats data was available. 

Wales - Reserves

A collection of Datasets provided by Natural Resource Wales. This is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • Ancient Woodland
  • Biosphere Reserves
  • Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  • Local Nature Reserves
  • National Nature Reserves (NNR)
  • Nature Improvement Areas
  • Special Protection Areas (SPA)
  • Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no reserves data was available. 

Scotland - Habitats

Landscapes of Scotland:

The map reflects the great diversity of landscapes within the country, and the regional distinctiveness which that creates. The project highlights what it is that gives familiar areas their distinctiveness and identity; suggests what might attract people to explore new areas; and should help instil a desire to ensure that the diversity of Scotland's landscapes is not diminished.

Wild Land Scotland:

he data contains boundaries of Wild Land Areas in Scotland as determined by their level of naturalness, remoteness, ruggedness and lack of built modern artefacts. Boundaries should be considered as ‘fuzzy’ rather than definitive to reflect the transitional nature of wild land. It is an updateand replacement to the previously published Core Areas of Wild Land (CAWL) produced in 2013.

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no habitats data was available. 

Scotland - Priority Habitats

The Habitat Map of Scotland (HabMoS), is the national repository for habitat and land use data for Scotland. The HabMoS map adopts internationally recognised data, from many different sourcesa, and habitat classification standards - re-classified into the European Nature Information System (EUNIS).

This dataset is a composite of the following layers:

  • EUNIS Land Cover Scotland
  • Coastal and Vegetated Shingle
  • Saltmarsh Survey
  • Sand Dune Vegetation Survey
  • Native Woodland Survey Scotland
  • Freshwater
  • NVC to Annex I and ENIS
  • Other land use

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no priority habitats data was available. 

Scotland - Reserves

A collection of Datasets provided by Scottish Natural Heritage. This is divided into different groups with a similar themes to make the download more applicable to the client.

This layer contains:

  • Ancient Woodland
  • Biosphere Reserves
  • Environmentally Sensitive Areas
  • National Nature Reserves (NNR)
  • Nature Improvement Areas
  • Special Protection Areas (SPA)
  • Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)

We supply this data with an additional 1k grid of tiles within the AOI. If your order only contains the 1k grid then no reserves data was available.